Strudda Bank Farm Visit
Year 1 had a very wet, muddy but fun visit to Strudda Bank Farm. Farmer Kev and Farmer Vicky explained to Year 1 how they look after the animals on the farm. Year 1 learnt about the ‘farm to fork’ journey that their food goes on. Year 1 were interested how Farmer Kev makes sure that nothing goes…
Year 1 at Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show 2024
What the perfect start it was to Science Week with a visit from Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show! The children had a lot of fun and got fully involved with the interactivity of the show, repeating key words and answering questions. They were amazed at all the chemical reactions they saw…
Year 2 enjoy Professor Pumpernickel’s ScienceShow 2024
Science Week literally started with a bang! Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show did not disappoint. The children were hooked from beginning to the end. They thoroughly enjoyed learning about chemistry and physics and were full of awe and wonder at all the chemical reactions they…
World Book Day 2024 in Year 2
Year 2 love to read and thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. They began the day with a World Book day Treasure Hunt outdoors where they had to solve clues about books to find the next clues and collect letters of the alphabet. The children returned to class where they completed a Library…
World Book Day in Year 3
We had a great day today. The children looked amazing. They read our class book, Operation Gadgetman and voted for their top 10 books. After lunch they teamed up with a Reception child to read them a story. They wrote book reviews, made book marks and took part in a live World Book Day lesson. A…
2024 World Book Day in Nursery
What a fabulous day we have had celebrating World Book Day! We came dressed as our favourite characters or in our pyjamas. Some of us brought along our favourite story books to share with each other too. In the afternoon we were joined by some of Year 4 who came to read to us too!
This week in Nursery we have been planting seeds and learning what a seed needs to grow - sun, soil and water.We have read the stories Errol’s Garden and The Extraordinary Gardener and can’t wait to see what our seeds grow into. Inspired by the fruit and vegetables grown in the stories we read, we…
A day of Beatrix Potter, a boat ride and Brockhole
Year 1 enjoyed a fun filled day in Windermere. Our first stop was to visit The World of Beatrix Potter. We explored all the characters and even crept around Mr McGregor’s garden. After this we walked to the boat. We boarded the Swift and enjoyed the ride to Brockhole. At Brockhole we enjoyed our…
Nursery: Baking Bread
This week in Nursery we tried to bake some bread. The children each took a turn to scoop the bread mixture into a bowl. As they did this the children guessed what we would be making. Their guesses included cookies and cupcakes. They took it in turns to mix and pour some water in the bowl. As they…
Year 3 enjoyed the jumble sale
Thanks to everybody’s kind donations, much appreciated. As a result, you raised £680 for new football kits. It was amazing. Year 3 enjoyed browsing the jumble and took home some great bargains.
‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’
This week in Nursery we started our topic “How does your garden and its creatures grow?”
We looked at different Spring pictures and began to change our tree in the Small World from a Winter tree into a Spring tree. The children all created some handprint mini beasts to go with the tree.
Celebrating pancake day in Reception
To celebrate pancake day Reception joined up with Nursery to make and eat some pancakes. We had toppings of strawberries, syrup, chocolate spread, marshmallows and bananas. Back in our class, we learnt that pancake day is also called Shove Tuesday and that it makes the beginning of Lent.