Image of Group B Year 5 Forest School
24 May 2024

Group B Year 5 Forest School

Group B had a great time at Forest School yesterday for their last session. They still enjoyed climbing trees, playing in the mud and chilling out in the hammocks despite the rain! 

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Image of Year 5 Forest School
17 May 2024

Year 5 Forest School

Group A enjoyed their final session of Forest school yesterday. They did what they love best; exploring, playing games, making fires, playing in the mud and chilling in the hammocks. A big thank you to Mia for teaching us lots of new skills. We have lots of adventurers in the making!

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Image of Year 5 Forest School
1 February 2024

Year 5 Forest School

Year 5 had a fun packed afternoon at Forest School today.They learnt how to make a fire, made a den and enjoyed making snow angels in the bark. Some children learnt how to hammer nails safely into a piece of wood then decorated them. They also had to work together as a team and heave a log from…

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Image of S’mores Round The Fire at Forest School
19 January 2024

S’mores Round The Fire at Forest School

Y5 had a fantastic afternoon at Forest School this week in the frosty weather. They made a fire then melted marshmallows to make s’mores which they all thought were delicious. After playing games in the forest they all enjoyed chilling out in the hammocks.


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Image of Making Pop- Corn at Forest school Year 5
14 January 2024

Making Pop- Corn at Forest school Year 5

After exploring the forest and squelching in the mud Year 5 enjoyed warming up around the camp fire and eating popcorn at Forest School this week. They also had time to chill out in the hammocks and enjoy the sound of nature.

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Image of Forest School Mini Christmas Trees
8 January 2024

Forest School Mini Christmas Trees

At Forest School Y5 made mini Christmas Trees. They found a branch from a hazel wood tree and sawed off a small amount of wood. They used a knife to strip off the bark then whittled the wood into a pointy shape. After this they carved in a pattern and made a leafy texture. Finally, they decorated…

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Image of S'mores at Forest School
30 November 2023

S'mores at Forest School

Year 5 we’re glad of the campfire to keep warm around at Forest School today. They collected the wood and learnt how to build a fire. They then enjoyed toasting marshmallows to make S’mores! 

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Image of Forest School Year 5
12 October 2023

Forest School Year 5

A lovely day for Forest School today. All the children had a great time exploring the forest, chilling out in the hammocks and learning how to whittle wood safely. 

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Image of Year 5 Forest School
5 October 2023

Year 5 Forest School

Year 5 had a wet and muddy afternoon at Forest School today. They still had a great time chilling in the hammocks and sawing wood in preparation for the Christmas tree they are making.


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Image of Year 5 Forest School.
28 September 2023

Year 5 Forest School.

Year 5 has a great time at Forest School today. They enjoyed lying in the hammocks, climbing trees and sawing wood in preparation for making a Christmas tree!

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Image of Year 2 at Forest School
15 June 2023

Year 2 at Forest School

Year 2 have waited all year to attend Forest School and it certainly didn’t disappoint. They had lots of fun building dens, climbing trees, playing ‘Eagle and Mice’ (a hide and run game), making nature inspired crafts as well as chilling out in hammocks. What a wonderful start to their Forest…

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Image of Fun at Forest School
12 May 2023

Fun at Forest School

Year 5 enjoyed their first session of forest school at Longlands Lake. They explored the area, whittled wood to make bracelets or necklaces and enjoyed relaxing in the hammocks. They are looking forward to their next session.

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