Nursery: Letter formation
This week in Nursery we have had a go at using the paint program on mini mash to practice our letter formation. The children had a go at looking for the first letter of their name before having a go and writing it.
we had lots of fun using the iPad and paint program to practise!
Y2 Spreadsheet Work 2024
Year 2 have been learning how to add images to a spreadsheet and assign a value to each image. They used the images to calculate how much items would cost if bought together.
Y2 Anti Bullying Week
Year 2 have been thinking about what bullying is and how it feels for the person who is bullying. They looked at some scenarios of people being bullied online and thought about how they would feel if it was them and who they would turn out for support. The children wrote and drew pictures of the…
Odd Socks Day Y6 2024
Year 6 wore odd socks to school today as a way to celebrate individuality and to make a stand against discrimination and bullying. Year 6 have also been learning about what to do if they encounter online bullying and about the negative impact this has on mental health and emotional…
Technology in Reception
This week we have had the Beebots out in the provision with the children learning how to give the Beebot instructions to move around the map. This included using vocab such as forward, backwards, right and left. We have also been using the 2simple city on Purplemash to create our own gardens and…
Year 3 Internet Safety Day
Year 3 learnt all about AI, artificial intelligence. Where we use it in our everyday life, without even realising it!! When we use our phone, in our car, using Alexa, taking photos, using an internet search and so on. We created a poster to illustrate the opportunities and risks of using AI in our…
Safer internet day Reception
In Reception we read the story, ‘Chicken clicking’ about a chick who spends all the farmer’s money without his permission online and then goes to meet someone they don’t know and have met online. We talked about the rules of being safe online and what we should do in certain situations and that we…
Y1 Safer Internet Day
Year 1 celebrated Safer Internet Day by sharing what they know about being safe online. We used talk partners to discuss what to do if we see something unsafe. We reinforced ‘Stop, close, tell’. We reviewed who our trusted adults are in school and at home. We shared the story ‘Chicken Clicking’…
Safer Internet Day 2024 Year 5
In Year 5 we discussed the importance of keeping ourselves safe online. We enjoyed discussing what we would like our online lives to be like . We thought it should be safe, fun, educational, appropriate, sociable and true to its word. We were all aware that not everything we read online is true…
Safer Internet Day -Y6
For Safer Internet Day, Year 6 discussed Artificial Intelligence technologies. After naming the wide range of AI they already use, they explored the positive and negative impact of evolving technologies on our everyday lives, including safeguarding concerns, and how it might impact on human…
2024 Safer Internet Day in Nursery
On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day. Our older Nursery children had a look and explored an iPad. Lots of the children said they have iPads at home. They shared that they play games and watch shows on their iPads.
We talked about what to do if something pops up on the iPad and they don’t know…
Safer Internet Day - AI
For Safer Internet Day Year 4 researched Artificial Intelligence . They discussed the pros and cons, e.g. enhanced learning opportunities, instant and efficient, limited human interaction and the collection of personal data to name a few. There were mixed reviews! They collated their findings and…